Yaara Ben-David
Yaara Ben-David is a veteran Israeli poet residing in Israel. To date, she has published 11 books, of which 9 are poetry books (including “Blood Red Strawberries”, translated into English and “Un autre presence”, translated into French). Two other books are a collection of essays on Israeli and international literary works. These books have received acclaim in Israel, earning awards and prizes.
Her poems, written in Hebrew, have been translated into various languages and published in literary publications worldwide. Dozens of her poems have been put to music and subsequently performed by well-known musicians.
Additionally, since 1970, Yaara Ben-David exhibits her collage works in galleries and various cultural centers in Israel. There is a bi-directional influence between her poetry and her collage works.
Yaara Ben-David graduated B.A. in Hebrew Literature and Philosophy (Tel-Aviv University) and graduated M.A. in Comparative Literature (The Hebrew University in Jerusalem).

In Search of Time Gained:
The Poetry of Yaara Ben-David
by Prof. Edith Covensky, Wayne State University,
Detroit, MI, USA